Monday, January 19, 2009

the queen of guilt

so, it has been ages since i have sat down to post. there has been a lot going on in my life, in my head and in my heart. mostly i am just going day to day. everyone in the household is busy, healthy and blessed to have a warm roof over our head. what strange weather this winter has brought us.

i have been feeling very down lately, like i am in a perpetual fog. somehow, i feel like i am supposed to be over dad's death and all the emotions involved. but you know, i realized that i have only started the process. i think i jumped back into life too quickly and did not allow myself to grieve. somehow i am scared that once i let go it is not going to stop. i just keep stuffing it down and there is not much room left to stuff. so, it is time to deal and work through this craziness AND not feel guilty in doing so. you see...i am the QUEEN of guilt!

as i was sitting in my car the other day waiting for something, i came across a little notebook in my purse. i started flipping through the pages and realized they were the notes i took, in the dark, at the women of faith conference. after deciphering the scribbles, one of the notes i found really caught my eye. i don't know which speaker said this or what context it was in but what i wrote down really hit home for me right now.

"grief is a decision to heal our future"

so in this post, i give myself permission to continue on my journey in life---which includes grieving for the loss of my dad. i am not going to let this perpetual fog stay in my head any longer. i hope you understand.